Standard returns
If you receive an item that does not meet your expectations you have 15 days to return it. To do this, make a online return request from the page My Order,
If you received your order and discover an item that is damaged, defective or otherwise incorrect please contact us as soon as possible. After receiving your package, you have 24 hours to make a claim and provide all the necessary information. Please make a online return request, or send an email to our support team at with the subject "DAMAGED" and provide the information listed below.
What information do I have to provide?
When making a claim it is important you provide us with the necessary information to help you return your product. Please provide the following information in your email when contacting us at
When the return is confirmed by our teams, we will send you a return label and a return slip by email.
You must print these two documents, stick the label and place the return slip in the package.
Return fees
Please check the presence of this return slip. If our teams cannot find this return slip at the warehouse, additional costs may be charged to you.
For reimbursement, we will subtract the price of return transport only if the items are unwanted. However, if you choose a coupon refund, we will offer you this cost of transport.